1. Introduction
Salutations ladies and gents! I’m honored to interview another bright and inspiring creative today. The one and only Carol Justus! Carol and I worked in Flavors of Americas in asynchronous moments, but we ended up meeting each other sometime later in the path of our careers. I was immediately seized by Carol’s passion for communication and branding, but you should know that her executive experience expands way beyond that, get ready to meet the next Agency creative!
2. Interview
Carol, before getting to know your background, here’s a fundamental and important question: If life was a long-feature film, in what movie genre would you live? Would it be a noir romance, western, thriller, mystery, musical, or other?
That's a good question. I had to think a bit about it, but I'll explain it like this. It all started like a joyful and corky Wes Anderson film on a sunny afternoon, followed by a Wachowskis Matrix-like reality where things were a bit overwhelming. Finally, things took a turn for the dramatic genre now, something about the main character searching for her big next step.
Now that we all know where you truly come from, tell us about your protagonist character, where you come from, how old are you, and what languages you speak.
Well I'm a very idealistic person, I always expect the best in people and situations. A dreamer if you might. I come from a tiny country, surrounded by land called Paraguay. I'm 29 and I speak 3 languages, my mother tongue Portuguese, my Father tongue Spanish and English (the one I prefer since I was a child).
A bird once told me that you hold a Master of Arts degree, can you tell us how much you struggled to get such an amazing achievement? Tell us about the entirety of your academic journey, are there plans for the future?
I think that experience was everything I needed at that moment. It was a breakthrough period in my life. I was 24, living on my own in Barcelona, I was the youngest of my class and it felt very difficult at first. But then, after a lot of consideration, I came to the conclusion that it was about time I grew up and I just needed to work hard and stay focused. In the end, I think I did really well plus I had the chance to meet incredibly talented people from all over the world and I cannot even put into words all the knowledge my teachers and classmates have passed on to me in that amazing period of my life.
Before diving into arts and graphic design, did you ever consider another professional craft?
Yes, actually my first choice was Med School. I know it doesn't really sound like me but I was very interested in being a doctor until I realize I was not gonna be able to sleep as much as I like to. That was definitely a deal-breaker.
Was there any school or college subject that you couldn’t stand? If there is one, should it be forbidden from all syllabi? If so, what subject should forever replace it?
School was very easy for me, I always did well in all the subjects. I guess my mom's studying techniques actually helped... plus I always had a great relationship with my teachers and classmates so I think the bottom line is I loved school. But I would have replaced ethics with robotics or something more useful like that. Don't get me wrong... I'm all for ethics but I don't appreciate other people imposing their beliefs on me.
Let’s shine a spotlight on your work, what would be a design project you were responsible for that you are really proud of?
For me, it was very important to develop my family's brands because it was the first time I was developing work for a company that I owned as well. It was also the first time I considered a more independent career, and opening a business of my own instead of working for other people my entire life. Overall the branding process was very exciting and the result worked really well!
Now tell us a little bit about your creative process within design whether you are acting as a consultant, a creative director, or the actual designer.
Putting myself in the shoes of the target audience is my first move. I try to get inside their world and understand how they think/spend/live, and what would get them interested enough to make them a customer. From that, I can start developing a strategy, whether it's for a marketing campaign, design, sales, or just brand positioning. I also work with a checklist of everything I think a company needs nowadays. The not-so-basic basics.
Why giving proper attention to design is essential to the branding process?
The truth is we eat with our eyes, so making an interesting design to look at is always gonna be a win. Is as simple as that. It is 100% worth the investment. Of course, there are many factors to analyze when developing a design, and the most important one in my opinion is knowing your target audience.
Now about your executive sales experience, tell us all, how many digits had the biggest deal that you ever closed? Just kidding lol. Is there any category of products or services nowadays that you would gladly represent?
Lol, I would gladly tell you but unfortunately, I signed an NDA. What I can tell you is working in sales opened my mind to a world of new possibilities. The thing I appreciated the most was that working in sales made me think about everything I could do differently Marketing wise to help increase sales. Nowadays I guess I would gladly represent a cannabis or a fashion company, especially if it's mine.
From the Latin, “iustus - upright, just”, tell us Justus, what is a good philosopher or author that helps you find balance in life?
There are 2 of them who always help me come back to me and who I want to be.. the first one is Lao Tzu, who makes me see the world more lightly and get rid of the violence inside of me... and the second one is Seneca, that keeps me highly motivated and constantly wanting to learn more.
If you ever write your first book, what would it be about?
It would be about me of course! The story of how I made it lol.
A Caribbean Island, underneath the northern lights, on a Greek coastline… What would be the ideal place to write it?
After I travel the whole world, and experience everything I ever wanted, only then I can sit down in a cabin in the woods, and write it all down.
You got to tell our readers about your lovely pets, what are their names? Can you attach a picture?
Oh wow, don't even get me started. Alaska (my Akita/Husky mixed breed), Oliver, and Charlie (Pomeranians), they are simply the best, there's no other way to describe them. They give me all the love and happiness in the world.

A new star has just been discovered in another galaxy and it is up to you to forever name it, go for it!
3. Portfolio
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