1. Introduction
Greetings, greetings, greetings!!! Can you feel this excitement?
Well, today we will be interviewing not only someone who is celebrating her birthday but also a very brave creative and musician also known as…
*drum roll*
Gabi is a very young creative ready to seize the world, in fact, she is such a courageous woman that at a given moment of her life, she thought: “I’m tired of my hometown and I want to explore the world”. That is when she traveled from Brasilia, Brazil’s federal district to Foz do Iguaçu, my hometown and we had the opportunity to meet through my dear friend and also her boyfriend Igor Picco, another badass musician.
Ever since then, I have been watching Gabi pursue not only her musical aspirations but also her passion for UX Design.
“Enough chatter, Thi. I wanna get to know Gabi!” - Someone yells from far away
Ok, ok.
Let’s get to know her!
2. Interview
Gabi, tell us a little bit about your background, how old are you, where do you come from, where do you live today and what languages do you speak?
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22… I just turned 22, I was born in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. But by the coincidence of fate, about a year ago, I ended up in Foz do Iguaçu and I can say that Foz was a magical place for me. It was in this city that I discovered myself, found myself, and felt that I could finally be what I was destined to be since I was born. I made incredible friendships and I can say that I found the love of my life, and now we live together in Cascavel with our little pet Kiwi. My native language is Portuguese, but I can also chat in English.
Now tell us a little bit about your academic journey, are you adept at autodidactism? What are your favorite ways to study and learn?
I've always been very curious, which is why I think I was born in the perfect generation, where information is very easily accessible. To make things even better, my dad is in the technology field, so I've been hearing his countless theories since I was 13 or 14 years old, and that's how I ended up discovering the world of design, in a conversation with him where he showed me the famous Photoshop and its wonders. And just like that, Photoshop became my new obsession.
I believe that self-learning happens in a very natural way when you're excited about something new, but that alone is not enough. After a few months, you may feel that you've learned enough about a certain subject and move on. The turning point for me was when I understood that. I needed to have a clear goal. Why am I learning this? Where do I want to go? I was in my first year of college studying Marketing and it was after this reflection that I decided I wanted to work as a graphic designer, so my learning began to have a purpose. So every free moment I had, I was researching what graphic designer does, what skills they need, and where they work. I continued my course, and even though it wasn't solely focused on graphic design, I was able to secure many internship opportunities in the field.
And now I leave you with one final reflection on the topic. I spent many years studying alone at home, but it was when I started to work in the field that things began to evolve very quickly. And I think that's the most important phase of self-learning. It's while you're working that you can evaluate your performance in the area, and it's up to you to identify your areas for improvement and work on your growth, whether by searching on Google, watching videos on YouTube, or even asking questions to someone more experienced. If we wait for the information to come to us, we'll fall behind.
And my process of becoming a UX/UI Designer was very similar. When I discovered this world, I was fascinated and decided that this was what I wanted to pursue from that moment on. So every step I took was towards that goal. In less than 4 months of studying, I landed my first job in the field.
You started out in your career as a graphic designer, right? Tell us what you liked so much about it and what are some of the techniques that you apply to your work.
I think the most important technique I use in my work comes from the book "Steal Like an Artist." Understanding that there are many impeccable works in the world that are probably on the topic you need to produce, consuming them, and using them as a reference (understand that using as a reference is not copying) ends up making you never run out of creativity.
A hummingbird told me that you are fond of designing music album covers, can you tell us a little bit about that? Also, is it true that you are on the cover (that you illustrated) of a lo-fi single with over 280,000 plays on Spotify? Please share some of your work!
Yes!! My boyfriend is a musician and for some time now he has been producing Lofi music. And as a good lover of the arts, I like to draw from time to time. When I made the drawing that is now the cover of "Smelling the Roses - Igor Utzig", I was just practicing while looking at myself in the mirror. When I sent a photo of the drawing to Igor, he immediately said "This needs to be a lofi cover". I developed the art a little more in Illustrator and it became what it is today. When I look at it, I notice several mistakes that I wouldn't have made today, but I believe that's what makes each art unique and special.

Gabi, in your opinion, what defines an artist? Do you think artists are entitled to a label or they should always be free to pursue their creative endeavors regardless of the medium?
I believe that any type of art should be used to express the artist's emotions. As humans, it's impossible to have just one feeling throughout our lives, so we should definitely not limit ourselves when it comes to expressing ourselves artistically.
It is time to talk about the subject where we meet each other! UX Design. Tell us how you went from a Graphic Designer to a specialist in UX Design. What does it represent to you and why do you have such a passion for it?
Before I discovered UX Design, I already understood that design was much more than creating beautiful graphics for social media and billboards. All design needs a purpose, a clear message, and easy access for everyone. The more I researched about it, the more articles about UX Design appeared to me. One day, I talked with a friend in the field, his name is Jordan, and we created our first fictitious UX case together. The more we talked about this area, the more fascinated I became. UX Design is much more than creating beautiful screens; it involves understanding human behavior and psychology so that you can produce a product that is satisfactory for users. My eyes light up every time I talk about it. UX Design definitely breaks down the barrier between the designer and the end-user, a barrier that should never have existed, as our job as designers are to create solutions for users, and never the other way around.
What was your first official UX Design project and what challenges did it represent to you?
My first official project actually was when we worked together. And I think my biggest challenge, in the beginning, was to strike a balance between beauty and functionality. So much so that this has been something I study a lot to improve this skill more and more.
Behind the many different stages of UX Design, which one is your favorite and why?
I have always been a big fan of UI Design, designing screens. And as I worked and learned more, I realized that designing screens is not just about creating something visually appealing. It needs to be functional and easily understandable, and that is very fascinating to me - paying attention to the details so that the user has a good experience with my product.
Where do you see UX Design going in the following years? Do you think it will be a necessary field of study for all companies who seek to explore digital mediums?
Certainly, our world is becoming increasingly digital. And as with all evolution, those who do not follow, get left behind.
There are still many companies that underestimate the importance of UX Design, but I believe this will change as people become increasingly demanding about the quality of the experience they have with digital products. In the future, UX Design will likely be considered an essential skill for anyone involved in creating digital products, and I believe this will be reflected in the growing number of courses and training programs available for people who wish to delve deeper into this field.
Gabi, you currently work at Hubee, right? Can you tell us a little bit about your position there and what Hubee offers for clients in need of design on demand?
Currently, I work as a UX/UI Designer at Hubee, a subscription-based design startup in Foz do Iguaçu that delivers daily. Agility and quality definitely go hand in hand at Hubee. I am responsible for creating the platform for organizing demands and client contact. After the client subscribes on the website, they will have access to a platform where they can create graphic design demands, contact designers, and receive the final artwork through it. Everything happens within the platform. Lately, the company has outsourced this platform, and the goal of my position there is to develop a customized platform for Hubee, with everything that the current platform does not provide, so that the end customer has an even more incredible experience when hiring Hubee's services.
Let’s approach music! What is it about music that you like so much? Are you more fond of playing instrumentals or being the voice behind the lyrics?
For a long time, music helped me control my emotions. When I'm singing, I forget everything else and focus only on that, in that moment there are no problems in my head. And it's been like that since I was very young. I definitely prefer singing to playing any instrument.
You are a playlist curator, right? Which one of your playlists have you been listening to the most lately?
Yess! I am a playlist curator. Definitely, the playlist I listen to the most is "Summer Car Drives". I love the feeling of freedom and relaxation I get when I listen to music. This playlist gives me the feeling of driving on a summer afternoon with the wind in my hair and the sun warming my skin. It's amazing.
This might be a tough question, but could you list in order your 3 favorite music genres?
That's a really tough question, I think I like a bit of everything. But lately, I've been listening to a lot of Indie Rock, Pop, and EDM.
You have been producing a lot of musical content o Tiktok, right? Can you tell us a little bit about this process and share one of your videos?
I like to be very organized with everything, and my production process for videos on TikTok is no different. I always enjoyed posting videos of me singing and playing music, but I was never consistent. Recently, I realized that I had let go of my artistic and musical side, and I missed it a lot. So, I made a commitment to myself to be consistent on TikTok and record what I already liked doing. This has encouraged me to not put these things off, you know? To stay organized, I write down the topics I want to record and set aside a day to record them all. During the week, I practice and experiment with new things. To be honest, I've already felt a big musical improvement in myself since I started posting on TikTok. It's like I said earlier, I had no real goal in this area, and I ended up letting it go. But now that I have a purpose, I feel like I'm evolving much faster.
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OH NO, you have been chosen to forever ban and extinguish a specific kind of food from planet Earth, which one will it be?
Bread. I am a celiac. If I can’t have it, no one can.
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