Read the previous edition of Keynote below!
Yesterday, I had the immense pleasure of officially launching my first fiction book at an event in one of the most respected public colleges in Brazil - Unioeste!
The XI International Meeting of Literature, in addition to being a tradition of their language course, allows the students to experience academic practices that go beyond the classroom. The event proposes a challenge to reflect on the contemporaneity of research involving the different forms of language present in our social practices.
Living in Foz do Iguaçu, a city in a Brazillian region that shares borders with two other countries, is an experience that resonates in many different spheres of life; the plurality of ethnicity is not only reflected in the culture we breathe but also in the languages we encounter on the personal, professional and academic paths of life.
Having the opportunity to launch and talk about Farewell, Aurora three years after I first started writing the story was as rewarding as the crafting of the story itself. It was only two years ago that I finished the first manuscript, and it’s been one year since it was first published by Editora Viseu.
Thus, it took me three years to finally launch it.
And it was launched at the perfect moment. Fairly because I had the utmost honour of sharing the table with two brilliant professors (Dr. Maria Elena Pires Santos and Dr. Cristiane F. G Silva) who together might have collaborated on the publication of hundreds of academic papers in linguistics.

Amidst my work life, finding the time to invest in a project with such personal importance was not only fundamental to my development as a writer but also profoundly meaningful to my career.
At a given moment, it was a path that I started treading with uncertainty, but very little I could predict how much growth it would provide me, how many challenges I would face, how many lessons I would learn and how many incredible people I would meet!
During the launch, I had the opportunity to talk a bit about the importance of writing and how Farewell, Aurora came to fruition after many years of work in the communication industry. How self-expression is fundamentally important for the cultural legacy every single one of us leaves behind once we are no longer around, and how not only writing but also publishing is much more accessible nowadays than it was in the past.
Furthermore, Professor Dr. Cristiane was also launching her book: “Comunidade Conscienciológica” an extremely comprehensive research on Conscientiology and its community, which could very much be considered an encyclopedia for its depth. Conscientiology is a movement founded by Brazilian surgeon and medium Waldo Vieira that explores the study of consciousness in its entirety.
Professor Dr. Maria Elena was presenting the book of her advisee Professor Adriane Elisa Glasser, “Transletramentos e Tecnologia Digital” which translates to "Transliteracies and Digital Technology" in English. It explores the teaching of the Portuguese language from a perspective that goes above and beyond the classrooms while considering the entanglement of technology that we all live in.
Such an experience was not only a rewarding opportunity but also proof that there will always be a place where the academic sphere, the professional and corporate cube and the artistic expression triangle find themselves in beautiful synergy.
For studying, creating and working are the most meaningful actions we can take as humans, but that only tends to happen with true impact and purpose when have the motives and the agency to do so.
About the Author
Thiago Patriota
Made in 1996. Born & Raised Brazillian. Bachelor’s Degree in Advertising and Communication. Adept to autodidactism. Curious Soul. Published Author. Founder of Sentient.
That’s me in a nutshell, but you can learn more about Agency on the About page!
+1 302 261 3824
Congratulations Thi on the launch 🚀 of your book and may it be a resounding success! It’s so great to be a part of a community of conscientious communicators who are looking to transform life and language. 👍👍👍