Welcome to the first edition of TOBM!
In this editorial, we will be sharing previews and full chapters of The Orange Book of Marketing with some commentaries and highlights.
Learn more about the book by clicking this link.
Welcome to "The Orange Book of Marketing," a transformative journey that reveals the key to unlocking your marketing prowess: embracing your inner artist. In these pages, we redefine marketing as a canvas for creativity, empowering you to captivate hearts and minds. Explore the uncharted territories of your creative potential, infusing your campaigns with passion, authenticity, and resonance. Discover how every marketer has an artist within, waiting to be set free. Join us on this exhilarating adventure and unleash the boundless potential within "The Orange Book of Marketing."
To write about marketing is an endeavour with a very limited shelf life, exactly like purchasing some organic food from the local farmer's market. In addition to waking up early to find the best vegetables, doing so regards writing a book that might not last very long but might be nutritious for a good while as long as it is well stored. Marketing is so transformative to society that, as a consequence, changing its skin more frequently than a chameleon is a mere part of its nature. The marketing of yesterday, today, and tomorrow always looks and feels completely different from one another, and that is precisely why marketing shares two key elements with chameleons, the actual reasons why they change their skin so often: adaptation and communication.
In blazing contrast, to write about the endeavour of creating and its fuel, creativity, is like freezing time in a way where the unstoppable tick of the clock can't really deteriorate the product, fairly because human beings are, and will always be known, all around the cosmos for dreaming ideas and idealising dreams. Potential neighbours from other planets might believe that we do this simply out of fun but in its most authentic reason, creating regards two core aspects of our conscious lives: expressing existence and navigating through time.
Study the science of art. Study the art of science…
Realize that everything connects to everything else.
Leonardo Da Vinci
Forasmuch as the act of creating always regards making or designing something new through physical technique, intellectual theorisation, and mindful self-expression, it essentially means that creativity is a muscle to be exercised and strengthened, just like the habit of going to a gym for physical fitness. If technique, intellect, and expression are to be considered the parameters of such skill, then: practice, knowledge, and sentiment are the variables that should work in synergy to manufacture ideas and bring them to perfect fruition.
To think in something never before thought regards, nevertheless, a simple sum of references that live either in the present or in the past of a creative mind and that, when connected, form something new. But no true reference is absorbed if we don't consume information with the main goal of observing the aesthetic and taking notes of the function.
[Artistic expression, design, and writing] is about connecting ideas by combining logic and reasoning (which regards sentiment and value judgement), but rather than thinking vertically, creative thinking is lateral by nature, which means that any possibility of connection is tangible. [Scientific endeavours, machine thinking, and engineering] do the same thing but in a slightly different way; they connect facts because they regard logical and vertical connections, like adding reliable bricks on top of other bricks to build a castle, regardless of the colours or shape of the bricks and why the castle is actually being built in the first place.
The main and most fundamental difference between these two types of thinking is that the scientific aims for proof and validation, and the creative relies on experimentation and value judgement. So, it essentially means that when something ought to be created, there is no right or wrong way to do it; the outcome either feels right or doesn’t.
If you are to think about it, dear reader, there was a billionaire amount of words I could pick and arrange to write this page, but if I were to look for the perfect math in such an equation, I would still be picking words. It is only thanks to a particular skill present in every single one of us that we can create and know when something is good enough; the skill of intuition is like an instant calculation from our logic (mind) and reasoning (heart) that delivers us a yes or a no in the form of a specific feeling.
The Orange Book of Marketing is about your relationship with your capacity to create. It aims to help you find the necessary motives to start or push forward a creative career; your projects; your own company; your artistic expression; your condition to exist. Before creating, it is fundamentally necessary to dream. Nothing that was ever made wasn’t dreamt of before coming to life, and this means understanding yourself, your ambitions; your inner child; your naivety; fun, and willpower are the first steps to painting a landscape where you become the true artist of your canvas.
Everything familiar to you is only so because it is common, somebody found it or made it, and because of that, it is known; you comprehend it because you have seen it. You accept it because others have accepted it first. But it only exists because it was created. Are we talking about the universe? Brands? Products? Companies? It doesn’t matter because everything is one and the same when it comes to existing; in the real world, something either exists or doesn’t. When it comes to your world of ideas, your mind, many different ideas may exist, but your relationship with most of them, your commitment with them, is like a mere teenager flirt; the interest is there, and you know it, but you lack the spark of electricity to pursue it into reality. This spark, though, can only come from you because an idea is like a floating balloon that vibrates with colour and can fly so far away towards the sky of your mind that it is, sometimes, forever lost. Doing the jump and grasping into its chord can only happen if you can truly commit to bringing a new idea to the world.
Ideas may sometimes be absurd, unrealistic, hard to achieve, and induce fear, stress, anxiety, or even shame, but none of these truly matters if you, as a creative person, know why you ought to create and why a new idea should be brought forward to your reality. To believe in your ideas is to believe in yourself and your resilience to not give them up. Impossible is a concept that only exists in minds that cannot dream because the only truly impossible things are those that were never even imagined.
If familiarity is recognizability, then what does that mean to the process of creating something new? Something that even you, the creator, might find weird at first, something drafty, unrecognisable, cheesy, simple, humble, or even dull - but something that represents you in some way. Something comprehended by you and only you, completely misunderstood by others but fundamentally important to the maker for being something that only the maker understands and believes in, something that only the maker knows what it ought to be, something that already is because it was thought about.
Stay hungry, stay foolish.
Steve Jobs
This is a book written for those who still cultivate at least a single atomic portion of passion in the inner corners of their hearts because, without such fire, nothing can really be created; such fire may only come from curiosity and discontent, curiosity for the infinite possibilities that the conscious life offer us, the discontent of a reality that just is, but could be more, much more. Whether it is for yourself or others, everything that is created is created for someone, but doing so - acting towards the gifting of something new is a passionate consequence of caring, which is a byproduct of loving - either life, the planet, someone specifically, everyone around you or as many people as your heart can embrace.
Staying hungry regards maintaining with yourself a non-negotiable condition of curiosity, ambition and thirst for knowledge, mystery and life. Staying hungry doesn’t necessarily regard dreaming, wanting and wishing for more and more until your belly can’t even handle that enormous quantity you got of whatever you wanted to get; staying hungry can sometimes be the same thing you already have but just a little different, not necessarily better or bigger, but different, with a different colour, a different shape, a different flavour, a different angle, made with another perspective, by other eyes, by other motives, by other hands, or even, your own bare hands.
To be curious about life is the same thing as naively seeing it as a box with infinite Lego pieces in front of you, ready to be played with, assembled in a trillionaire amount of ways. To not be curious about life is the same as handpicking some of the Lego pieces and excluding them from the box because you don’t understand their shape, they don’t fit your purpose, or the colours aren’t interesting; it is a profoundly simple question of math where the fewer pieces you have, the smaller will be the castle you will be able to build.
Staying foolish is the true ability of all great creators, for true naivety can only come from a heart that cultivates a pure vision of hope, a vision that all of us are born with, a vision that is prosperous in children, and a vision that fades as we grow old and get disappointed by life. To stay foolish is not necessarily to believe that everything happens for a reason but maybe, and only maybe, that a reason is enough to make everything happen. To trust in others is to trust in yourself, as true naivety is simple and innocent, like a handwritten note that says…
Pre-Order & Early Access
The book is now available for early access through the release of an alpha edition. Readers who purchase the book in this period will guarantee the full edition when it is complete and will get new editions while it is developed.
A1.0 - The Orange Book of Marketing.pdf (Alpha V1.0)
Expect a reading with the core ideas behind the book, no summary, no pagination, and no technical details about the publication.
Expect seven chapters about creativity and the cultural context behind the transformative AI scenario we are currently living in. Get ready to forever unlock your creativity to a whole new level.
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Technical Details
Full Release Date
Est. November 2023
The current price of $42 is subject to change after the release of the final and revised edition.
Published by Editora Sentient in Brazil.
Text Copyright © 2023 by Editora Sentient
All rights reserved.
Distributed by Sentient LTDA in Brazil.
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The Orange Book of Marketing is the first book publication by Agency, a global community of creative professionals.
Learn more about the Agency project at www.agencybrasil.com